Wednesday 5 December 2007

Editing part 3

Ok, to carry on, the final clip, I wanted it to zoom in on the final still image, so after reading afew ttorials on the internet, i realised I couldn't do this with a frozen video file, so I exported the clip as a sequence of GIF images, I only needed 1 frame, so I picked frame 93 as this the still frame that I wanted. Once I had Imported it into premiere, I read through the tutorial and began.

I had to use the pan effect to set the begining image (the full picture), then I set a key frame half a second in, this is where the effect starts, then i selected the last keyframe, and set the pan efect to show the end image (zoomed on the eye).

this gave me the desieed zoom efect I required.

I then added the 'whats that?' sound file to the movie, And I also added 'Play', 'Pause', 'Slow Play Back', and 'Stop' Icons Using Premieres Title maker.

I then added a Title at the front which I faded in and out, and some credits at the end usin Premiere's title scrolling text creator.

The last piece of editing I did was add n mp3 file for background music, the whole file was three minutes, so I had to cut it down to th 20 seconds of the movie. after this, i faded it out at the end.

I also wanted the music to fade but still play during the main ten seconds, so I faded it, but kept the bar so it didnt reach the bottom and fade completely.

I then exported it using several codecs but the same options,

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